Growing trees remotely: a high-impact, sustainable solution for business

Growing trees remotely: a high-impact, sustainable solution for business

Research shows that a significant proportion of the population places the responsibility for achieving sustainability goals firmly on businesses. Today, companies are beginning to understand just how crucial it is to respond to that expectation.

But finding a meaningful way to contribute that fits neatly into existing business operations and manages to inspire customers, clients and employees is a complicated task.

It’s often the case that well-meaning sustainable initiatives fall flat. Companies try to do everything in-house without leveraging the correct partnership. Some lack clear ownership or become tick-box exercises that sit in a siloed part of the business or are placed at the bottom of the to-do list for busy staff. Others simply fail to resonate with stakeholders – forgettable, generic gestures that neither foster connection nor lead to long-lasting value for the business.

Full article: Growing trees remotely: a high-impact, sustainable solution for business around the world | The Independent

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